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Friday, December 09, 2005

"Departing Shadow's"

The power of the wicked one
The world he does control
An evilness that fills the air
Is taking now it's toll
The shadows reach across the land
To snuff the light of hope
And leave behind the searching heart
In darkness now to grope
But through the dreadful, murky mist
A ray of light is seen
Thus they will part the haze ahead
And ask "what does it mean?"
The light will grow much brighter still
As on God's word they feed
They'll leave behind the shadowland
With love and joy they'll read
The air will clear, the mist will lift
The sun begins to shine
For they have found Jehovah God
And them he will refine
So with God's knowledge they have seen
And by his message grown
And shadows all across the land
Away from them have flown
5-21-98 school - Steve Turner talk


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